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You're obsessive,你很顽固。Although frowned upon in countless scenarios,虽然在很多情况下人们认为顽固不太好。obsession or obsessive qualities can prove to be positive ones when it comes to reaching for your goals,但是事实表明顽固、执拗的个性能够帮我们实现目标。

you don't obtain success by doing everything in your power to grasp it,想要获得成功靠的不是等待,而是靠付出所有努力去获得它。

you want,你会想尽所有办法去实现你想要的。because you have to have it,因为你想拥有。

When you become obsessed with an objectior idea,当你对自己的目标或想法很痴迷执着的时候。

you come up with every creative strategic plan yqu can to obtain it,你会想尽所有办法去实现它。

Be it a job position,无论它是一个工作职位。

a potential business,一门潜在的生意。

a certain lifestyle,一种生活方式。

or whatever you want,还是任何你想要的事情。

You are going to get it somehow!最终你都会实现它!

You have a plan to achieve your goals,你有实现目标的计划。

Having realistic goals is important if you want to become successful in life,如果你想成功,那么有可行的计划是很重要的。

You understand this concept very well,你很明白这个道理。

so you set specific and strategic goals,所以你设定了确切的、策略性的目标,它们能够引导你获得自己想要的成功。

You make a list of goals to achieve,你会列一个清单。

as well as what you will do daily in order to get yourself closer to achieving them,上面有你的目标,以及为了实现目标而定下的每日计划。

