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The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Begining of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coodination with the changes of Nature). Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All agree, however, that the word Nian, which in modern Chinese solely means "year", was originally the name of a monster.

辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year

扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning


红包:Red Envelope

春晚:Spring Festival Gala/

New Year Gala

年夜饭:New Year's Eve dinner

包饺子:make dumplings

敬酒:drink a toast to someone

压岁钱:lucky money

年货:New Year goods

春联:Spring Festival couplet


拜年:pay a New Year visit to/

give one's New Year blessing to

传统中国节日:Traditional Chinese festival

农历:Lunar calendar

腊八节:Laba Festival

小年:Little New Year

除夕:Lunar New Year's Eve

春节:The Spring Festival

正月初一:Lunar New Year's Day

元宵节:The Lantern Festival

正月:The first month of the lunar year

二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day


喝腊八粥:Eat Laba porridge

扫尘:Sweep the dust

扫房:Spring cleaning

祭灶:Offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen

守岁:Stay up

拜年:Pay a New Year's call

祭祖:Offer sacrifices to one's ancestors

祭财神:Worship the God of Wealth

春联:Spring Festival couplets

贴倒福:Paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down

去晦气:Get rid of the ill-fortune

辞旧岁:Bid farewell to the old year



烧香:Burn incense


鼠年: Year of the Rat

牛年: Year of the Ox

虎年: Year of the Tiger

兔年: Year of the Rabbit

龙年: Year of the Dragon

蛇年: Year of the Snake

马年: Year of the Horse

羊年: Year of the Sheep

猴年: Year of the Monkey

鸡年: Year of the Rooster

狗年: Year of the Dog

猪年: Year of the Boar


年糕:Rice cake;New Year cake

饺子:Dumplings;Chinese meat ravioli

汤圆:Dumplings made of sweet rice

八宝饭:Eight-treasure rice pudding

什锦糖:Assorted candies

糖莲子:Candied lotus seed

花生糖:Peanut candy

蜜冬瓜:Candied winter melon

瓜子:Red melon seeds


红枣:Red dates

春卷:Spring roll

冰糖葫芦:Candied haws on a stick

驴肉火烧:Donkey burger

腊肠:Chinese sausage

米酒:Rice wine

腊肉:Preserved meat

糖板栗:Sugar chestnut

四喜丸子:Four-joy meatballs


打麻将:Play mahjong

庙会:Temple fair

春节联欢晚会:Spring Festival gala

灯会:Exhibit of lanterns

送贺卡:Send New Year's greeting cards

理发:Have a haircut

放烟花:Set off fireworks

放鞭炮:Set off firecrackers

灯谜:Riddles written on lanterns



岁岁平安 Everlasting peace year after year

恭喜发财 Wishing you prosperity

吉祥如意 Everything goes well

一帆风顺 Wishing you every success

步步高升 Promoting to a higher position

和气生财 Harmony brings wealth

心想事成 May all your wishes come true

财源广进 Treasures fill the home

吉星高照 Good luck in the year ahead

家和万事兴 Harmony brings wealth


The country flourishes and people live in peace


Wishing you every success Promoting to a higher position
