31. “As someone whose days were defined by the ten thousand ways a human can hurt, she needed, now and then, to remember that the nervous system didn’t exist exclusively to feel pain.” – Anthony Marra
“作为一个人,她需要时不时地记住,她的日子被一万种方式伤害过,她的神经系统的存在并不仅仅是为了感受痛苦。” –安东尼·马拉

32. “There is no beyond, there is only here, the infinitely small, infinitely great and utterly demanding present.” – Iris Murdoch
“别谈未来,只谈客观现实;不论是无限小,还是无穷大。我们只需要对现在提出绝对严苛的要求。” ——艾里斯·默多克

33. “Oh, dear God, you don’t actually have a brain, do you, it’s more a filigreed spiderweb, with little chambers in it where trained monkeys play the pipe organ.” – Glen David Gold
“哦,亲爱的上帝,你其实没有大脑,是吗,你那儿更像是一个丝状的蜘蛛网,里面有个小房间,里面有训练有素的猴子演奏管风琴。” ——格伦·大卫·戈尔德

34. “Deep in the muddled darkness six copper pheasant feathers glowed in a cradle of blackthorn.” – Helen Macdonald
“在混乱的黑暗中,六根铜雉的羽毛在黑荆棘的摇篮里闪闪发光。” ——海伦·麦克唐纳

35. “I knew every raindrop by its name.” – Denis Johnson
“我知道每一个雨滴的名字。” –丹尼斯·约翰逊

36. “And by habit they shortened their thoughts so that they would not wander out into the darkness beyond tomorrow.” – Carson McCullers
“他们习惯于简化他们的思想,这样他们就不会在明日之外的黑暗中徘徊。” ——卡森·麦卡勒斯

37. “The wind was picking up off the ocean now and the whole coastal scene had a bleak, abandoned look, as though Maine in November really belonged to the ragged gulls who wheeled over the sun-worn pier, and the humans had just gotten the news and taken a powder.” – Jonathan Lethem
“现在海面上的风越来越大,整个沿海地区都一片荒凉、荒芜的景象,仿佛缅因州在11月的时候真的属于那些在日晒码头上翻滚的疲惫不堪的海鸥,而人类刚刚得到这个消息,就逃走了。” ——乔纳森·莱瑟姆

38. “They rode on and the sun in the east flushed pale streaks of light and then a deeper run of color like blood seeping up in sudden reaches flaring planewise and where the earth drained up into the sky at the edge of creation the top of the sun rose out of nothing like the head of a great red phallus until it cleared the unseen rim and sat squat and pulsing and malevolent behind them.” – Cormac McCarthy
“他们继续前进,东方的太阳泛着淡淡的光,接着一股深红颜色突然向上渗出,在平面上闪耀着,在造物的边缘,地球奔向天空,太阳的顶部像一个巨大的红色柱子的头部,从一无所有中升起,直到它清除看不见的边缘,他们蹲坐着在所有的风景身后, 充满着激动的恶意。” –科马克·麦卡锡

39. “Fabricated of supple brown leather by an esteemed New England manufacturer, the rucksack smelled richly, mysteriously of autumn leaves, grilled lobster, and the sweat and sperm of boys’ boarding schools.” – Viet Thanh Nguyen
这背包是由一位受人尊敬的新英格兰制造商用柔软的棕色皮革制成的,散发着浓郁的秋叶、烤龙虾和寄宿学校男孩的汗水和精子的神秘气味。 –阮清越

40. “A complying memory has obliterated many of them and edited my childhood down to a brief cinematic blur.” – VS Naipaul
“循规蹈矩的记忆抹去了许多过去的时光,把我的童年剪辑成了短暂模糊的电影图像。” –VS奈保尔