

650次浏览     发布时间:2024-02-15 20:37:37     编辑: 田园英语牧歌 当前位置: 首页 > 作文大全 >


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition in three paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph. Your part of the composition should be on less than 120 words, not including the words given.


Computers don’t look like anything we use in daily life.——————————————



Unlike people, computers don’t need coffee break, sick leaves or vacation.—————



But computers can’t think for themselves now.——————————————————





Computers don’t look like anything we use in daily life. And sometimes they occupy① a great deal of② space and time. Although they have their own style and ways to operate, they are very useful and helpful to human beings.

Unlike people, computers don’t need coffee break, sick leaves or vacation. A computer can work continuously or continually throughout a day, a week or a month, and never goes on strike③ unless the power supply④ is switched off⑤ or the chip breaks down. In short⑥, it doesn’t feel tired and the productivity is very high. We can use it to process data to programme, calculate, and even do whatever it can.

But, computers can’t think for themselves now. Although sometimes we say the computers are intelligent and once during the chess they can beat the human beings, they can’t reach the same level of thinking like mankind. They can only deal with⑦ the things that have been programmed or instructed by humans. And they have no emotions. After all, a computer is just a kind of tool with which for us to accomplish⑧ some complex work.



②a great deal of:(常接不可数名词)许多,大量

③go on strike:举行罢工

④power supply:供电

⑤switch off:关掉,切断

⑥in short:简单地说,总而言之

⑦deal with:解决,对付





文章的结尾通过写出计算机的本质特征即“a kind of tool”来照应全文,并将其“特殊性”、“独特性”等特征归纳于标题之下,统领全文。

