1. Fate or Destiny:
- Translation: 缘分
- Example sentence: Our meeting was fate. (我们的相遇是缘分。)
2. Serendipity:
- Translation: 缘分
- Example sentence: It was serendipity that we ended up at the same party. (我们能在同一个派对上相遇真是缘分。)
3. Connection or Bond:
- Translation: 缘分
- Example sentence: There is a strong connection between us. (我们之间有着很深的缘分。)
4. Predestined Relationship:
- Translation: 缘分
- Example sentence: Our predestined relationship brought us together again. (我们的缘分让我们再次相聚。)
5. Karmic Tie:
- Translation: 缘分
- Example sentence: Our karmic tie has brought us back into each other's lives. (我们的缘分让我们重新走到了一起。)
6. Cosmic Connection:
- Translation: 缘分
- Example sentence: I believe in the cosmic connection that brings people together. (我相信宇宙的力量会让人们相聚。)
7. Meant to Be:
- Translation: 注定的
- Example sentence: We were meant to be together. (我们注定要在一起。)
8. Fateful Encounter:
- Translation: 命中注定的相遇
- Example sentence: Our fateful encounter changed our lives forever. (我们命中注定的相遇改变了我们的生活。)
9. Synchronicity:
- Translation: 缘分巧合
- Example sentence: The synchronicity of our paths crossing was incredible. (我们的路径交汇的缘分巧合真是不可思议。)
10. Fortuitous Meeting:
- Translation: 偶然相遇
- Example sentence: Our fortuitous meeting led to a lifelong friendship. (我们偶然相遇,结下了一生的友谊。)