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1. It is well known that... (众所周知,...)

例句:It is well known that smoking is harmful to health. (众所周知,吸烟对健康有害。)

2. As far as I am concerned, ... (就我个人而言,...)

例句:As far as I am concerned, learning a second language is very important. (就我个人而言,学习第二语言非常重要。)

3. It is widely believed that... (广泛认为,...)

例句:It is widely believed that technology has greatly changed our lives. (广泛认为,科技已经极大地改变了我们的生活。)

4. Nowadays, more and more people are... (如今,越来越多的人正在...)

例句:Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to environmental protection. (如今,越来越多的人正在关注环境保护。)

5. In my opinion, ... (在我看来,...)

例句:In my opinion, traveling is a great way to relieve stress. (在我看来,旅游是缓解压力的好方法。)

6. There is no doubt that... (毫无疑问,...)

例句:There is no doubt that education is the key to success. (毫无疑问,教育是成功的关键。)

7. It goes without saying that... (不言而喻,...)

例句:It goes without saying that exercising regularly is good for your health. (不言而喻,经常锻炼对健康有好处。)

8. It is obvious that... (显然,...)

例句:It is obvious that technology has made our lives more convenient. (显然,科技让我们的生活更加便利。)

9. According to statistics, ... (根据统计数据,...)

例句:According to statistics, more and more young people are choosing to study abroad. (根据统计数据,越来越多的年轻人选择出国留学。)

10. From my perspective, ... (从我的角度来看,...)

例句:From my perspective, learning a new skill is always worth the effort. (从我的角度来看,学习一项新技能总是值得付出努力的。)

11. As we all know, ... (众所周知,...)

例句:As we all know, the Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. (众所周知,互联网已经彻底改变了我们的交流方式。)

12. It is a common belief that... (普遍认为,...)

例句:It is a common belief that hard work is the key to success. (普遍认为,努力工作是成功的关键。)

13. On the one hand, ... on the other hand, ... (一方面,...另一方面,...)

例句:On the one hand, technology has brought us many benefits. On the other hand, it has also created some problems. (一方面,科技给我们带来了许多好处。另一方面,它也带来了一些问题。)

14. It is no exaggeration to say that... (毫不夸张地说,...)

例句:It is no exaggeration to say that the Internet has changed our lives in ways we never imagined. (毫不夸张地说,互联网以我们从未想象的方式改变了我们的生活。)

15. In addition, ... (此外,...)

例句:In addition to studying hard, it's also important to have a good balance between work and leisure. (除了努力学习之外,平衡工作和休闲也很重要。)

16. Furthermore, ... (而且,...)

例句:Furthermore, technology has also led to many new job opportunities. (而且,科技也带来了许多新的就业机会。)

17. It is important to note that... (值得注意的是,...)

例句:It is important to note that learning a new language requires a lot of time and effort. (值得注意的是,学习一门新语言需要花费大量时间和精力。)

18. In conclusion, ... (总之,...)

例句:In conclusion, it's important to take care of our environment for the sake of future generations. (总之,为了子孙后代,保护环境很重要。)

19. To sum up, ... (总的来说,...)

例句:To sum up, communication skills are crucial in both personal and professional settings. (总的来说,沟通技巧在个人和职业生活中都非常重要。)

20. All in all, ... (总而言之,...)

例句:All in all, it's important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illnesses. (总而言之,保持健康的生活方式有助于预防疾病。)

21. It is worth mentioning that... (值得一提的是,...)

例句:It is worth mentioning that volunteering can be a very rewarding experience. (值得一提的是,志愿服务可以是非常有益的经历。)

22. As a matter of fact, ... (事实上,...)

例句:As a matter of fact, many successful people attribute their success to hard work and perseverance. (事实上,许多成功人士都将他们的成功归功于勤奋和毅力。)

23. As a result, ... (因此,...)

例句:As a result, many countries are investing heavily in renewable energy sources. (因此,许多国家正在大力投资可再生能源。)

24. It is interesting to note that... (有趣的是,...)

例句:It is interesting to note that many successful entrepreneurs started their businesses from scratch. (有趣的是,许多成功的企业家都是从零开始创业的。)

25. It is a fact that... (事实上,...)

例句:It is a fact that the world's population is steadily increasing. (事实上,全球人口正在稳步增长。)

26. In my view, ... (依我之见,...)

例句:In my view, learning to code is an essential skill in today's job market. (依我之见,在当今的就业市场中,学习编程是一项必备技能。)

27. Admittedly, ... (不可否认,...)

例句:Admittedly, social media has both positive and negative effects on our daily lives. (不可否认,社交媒体对我们的日常生活既有积极的影响,也有消极的影响。)

28. To be honest, ... (说实话,...)

例句:To be honest, I find it difficult to keep up with the latest technology trends. (说实话,我发现很难跟上最新的科技趋势。)

29. What's more, ... (更重要的是,...)

例句:What's more, having a positive attitude can greatly impact our daily lives. (更重要的是,拥有积极的态度可以极大地影响我们的日常生活。)

30. In a sense, ... (从某种意义上说,...)

例句:In a sense, traveling can broaden our perspectives and help us understand different cultures. (从某种意义上说,旅行可以拓宽我们的视野,帮助我们理解不同的文化。)

31. Not only..., but also... (不只是..., 而且...)

例句:Not only does exercise improve our physical health, but it also helps us manage stress. (不只是锻炼可以改善我们的身体健康,而且还可以帮助我们管理压力。)

32. It is not uncommon for... (...并不罕见)

例句:It is not uncommon for people to change careers several times throughout their lives. (人们在一生中转换职业几次并不罕见。)

33. As a consequence, ... (因此,...)

例句:As a consequence, many people are now choosing to work remotely. (因此,许多人现在选择远程工作。)

34. Without a doubt, ... (毫无疑问,...)

例句:Without a doubt, the Internet has revolutionized the way we access and share information. (毫无疑问,互联网已经彻底改变了我们获取和分享信息的方式。)

35. To putit simply, ... (简单来说,...)

例句:To put it simply, a balanced diet and regular exercise are key to maintaining good health. (简单来说,均衡的饮食和定期锻炼对于保持健康至关重要。)

36. In the long run, ... (从长远来看,...)

例句:In the long run, investing in education is more beneficial than investing in material possessions. (从长远来看,投资于教育比投资于物质财富更有益。)

37. It goes without saying that... (不言而喻,...)

例句:It goes without saying that honesty and integrity are important values in any profession. (不言而喻,诚实和正直是任何职业中重要的价值观。)

38. By and large, ... (总体上,...)

例句:By and large, people tend to be more productive in a comfortable and organized workspace. (总体上,人们在一个舒适而有组织的工作空间中更容易提高生产力。)

39. It is safe to say that... (可以肯定地说,...)

例句:It is safe to say that technology has drastically changed the way we live our lives. (可以肯定地说,科技已经极大地改变了我们的生活方式。)

40. As we have seen, ... (正如我们所看到的,...)

例句:As we have seen, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the global economy. (正如我们所看到的,新冠疫情对全球经济产生了深远的影响。)

41. All things considered, ... (综合考虑,...)

例句:All things considered, I believe that traveling is one of the best ways to broaden one's horizons. (综合考虑,我认为旅行是拓宽视野的最佳方式之一。)

42. In conclusion, ... (总之,...)

例句:In conclusion, it is important to prioritize mental health and well-being in our daily lives. (总之,在我们的日常生活中优先考虑心理健康和福祉是非常重要的。)

43. In summary, ... (总结一下,...)

例句:In summary, effective communication and collaboration are essential for success in any team or organization. (总结一下,在任何团队或组织中,有效的沟通和合作是成功所必需的。)

44. To sum up, ... (总而言之,...)

例句:To sum up, learning a foreign language can not only enhance our communication skills, but also broaden our cultural understanding. (总而言之,学习一门外语不仅可以增强我们的沟通能力,还可以拓宽我们的文化理解。)

45. All in all, ... (总的来说,...)

例句:All in all, taking care of our physical and mental health should always be our top priority. (总的来说,关注我们的身心健康始终应该是我们的首要任务。)

46. To conclude, ... (最后,...)

例句:To conclude, education is the key to unlocking our full potential and achieving our goals in life. (最后,教育是开启我们全部潜力并实现生活目标的关键。)

47. In a nutshell, ... (简而言之,...)

例句:In a nutshell, time management is crucial to balancing work and personal life. (简而言之,时间管理对于平衡工作和个人生活至关重要。)

48. Taking everything into account, ... (综合考虑一切,...)

例句:Taking everything into account, it is important to make environmentally conscious choices in our daily lives. (综合考虑一切,在我们的日常生活中做出有环保意识的选择非常重要。)

49. As a final point, ... (最后一个观点,...)

例句:As a final point, it is important to remember that failure is a natural and necessary part of the learning process. (最后一个观点是,要记住失败是学习过程中自然而必要的部分。)

50. To wrap up, ... (总结,...)

例句:To wrap up, effective time management, clear communication, and a positive attitude are essential for success in any endeavor. (总结,有效的时间管理、清晰的沟通和积极的态度对于任何事业的成功都至关重要。)

51. In essence, ... (本质上,...)

例句:In essence, the scientific method involves a systematic approach to observation, experimentation, and analysis. (本质上,科学方法包括系统化的观察、实验和分析方法。)

52. To reiterate, ... (重申一遍,...)

例句:To reiterate, teamwork and collaboration are essential for success in any project or task. (重申一遍,在任何项目或任务中,团队合作是成功的关键。)

53. In other words, ... (换句话说,...)

例句:In other words, effective leadership is about inspiring and empowering others to achieve their full potential. (换句话说,有效的领导力在于激励和赋能他人实现他们的全部潜力。)

54. At the end of the day, ... (归根结底,...)

例句:At the end of the day, our success is determined by our ability to adapt and persevere in the face of challenges. (归根结底,我们的成功取决于我们在面对挑战时的适应能力和毅力。)

55. To put it into perspective, ... (从更广泛的角度来看,...)

例句:To put it into perspective, the challenges we face today are part of a larger, ongoing process of social and technological change. (从更广泛的角度来看,我们今天面临的挑战是社会和技术变革持续过程的一部分。)

56. In the grand scheme of things, ... (从更宏观的角度来看,...)

例句:In the grand scheme of things, our individual actions and decisions can have a significant impact on the world around us. (从更宏观的角度来看,我们的个人行为和决策可以对我们周围的世界产生重大影响。)

57. To bring it all together, ... (为了把一切联系起来,...)

例句:To bring it all together, effective communication, collaboration, and adaptability are key skills for success in any field or industry. (为了把一切联系起来,有效的沟通、合作和适应能力是任何领域或行业成功的关键技能。)

58. To summarize, ... (总而言之,...)

例句:To summarize, learning to manage our time effectively, prioritize our goals, and maintain a positive attitude are essential for achieving success and fulfillment in life. (总而言之,学会有效地管理时间,优先考虑我们的目标并保持积极的态度对于在生活中实现成功和成就非常重要。)

59. To draw a conclusion, ... (得出结论,...)

例句:To draw a conclusion, we must recognize the importance of taking care of our mental and emotional well-being, as it affects all aspects of our lives. (得出结论,我们必须认识到关注我们的心理和情感福祉的重要性,因为它影响着我们生活的方方面面。)

60. In summary of everything, ... (总结一切,...)

例句:In summary of everything, success in any endeavor requires a combination of hard work, perseverance, and a willingness to learn and grow. (总结一切,任何事业的成功都需要努力工作、毅力和愿意学习和成长的结合。)

61. All things considered, ... (综合考虑,...)

例句:All things considered, the benefits of exercise and a healthy lifestyle far outweigh the temporary discomfort or inconvenience. (综合考虑,运动和健康的生活方式的好处远远超过了暂时的不适或不便。)

62. In light of this, ... (鉴于此,...)

例句:In light of this, it is important to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being in order to lead fulfilling lives. (鉴于此,为了过上充实的生活,我们必须优先考虑我们的心理和情感福祉。)

63. To sum up, ... (总之,...)

例句:To sum up, the key to success is to set clear goals, work hard, and never give up on our dreams. (总之,成功的关键在于设定明确的目标、努力工作并永远不放弃我们的梦想。)

64. To put things into context, ... (为了让事情更加清晰,...)

例句:To put things into context, the current economic challenges are part of a larger, global trend towards greater economic interdependence. (为了让事情更加清晰,当前的经济挑战是全球经济互相依存趋势的一部分。)

65. In retrospect, ... (回顾过去,...)

例句:In retrospect, I realize that my early failures and setbacks were actually valuable learning experiences that helped me grow and develop as a person. (回顾过去,我意识到我早期的失败和挫折实际上是有价值的学习经历,帮助我成长和发展成一个更好的人。)

66. Taking everything into account, ... (综合考虑,...)

例句:Taking everything into account, it is clear that sustainable development is essential for the future of our planet and the well-being of all its inhabitants. (综合考虑,可明显看出可持续发展对于我们星球的未来和所有居民的福祉至关重要。)

67. To conclude, ... (最后,...)

例句:To conclude, we must take action to address the urgent global issues we face, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality, in order to create a better world for future generations. (最后,我们必须采取行动来解决我们所面临的紧迫全球问题,如气候变化、贫困和不平等,以便为未来的世代创造一个更美好的世界。)

68. In summary, ... (总之,...)

例句:In summary, success in life is not just about achieving our goals, but also about finding purpose, happiness, and fulfillment in what we do. (总之,在生活中取得成功不仅仅是实现我们的目标,还包括在我们所做的事情中找到目的、快乐和满足。)

69. Given these points, ... (鉴于这些观点,...)

例句:Given these points, it is clear that education and lifelong learning are essential for personal growth and development, as well as for the progress of society as a whole. (鉴于这些观点,可以明显看出教育和终身学习对于个人成长和发展以及整个社会的进步至关重要。)

70. To sum it all up, ... (总的来说,...)

例句:To sum it all up, we must embrace change, adapt to new circumstances, and continue to learn and grow in order to succeed and thrive in today's rapidly-changing world. (总的来说,我们必须接受变化,适应新的环境,并继续学习和成长,以便在今天快速变化的世界中取得成功和繁荣。)

71. All in all, ... (总的来说,...)

例句:All in all, the benefits of a healthy diet and regular exercise far outweigh the temporary sacrifices and discomfort. (总的来说,健康的饮食和定期锻炼的好处远远超过了暂时的牺牲和不适。)

72. In conclusion, ... (总之,...)

例句:In conclusion, we must work together to address the complex challenges facing our world today, and strive to create a better, more sustainable future for all. (总之,我们必须共同努力解决我们今天所面临的复杂挑战,为所有人创造一个更美好、更可持续的未来。)

73. To summarize, ... (总而言之,...)

例句:To summarize, effective communication skills are essential for success in both personal and professional contexts, and can be developed through practice and reflection. (总而言之,在个人和职业上,有效的沟通技巧对于成功至关重要,可以通过实践和反思来培养。)

74. In light of these facts, ... (鉴于这些事实,...)

例句:In light of these facts, it is clear that we need to take urgent action to address the environmental challenges we face, such as climate change, pollution, and habitat loss. (鉴于这些事实,可以明显看出我们需要采取紧急行动来解决我们所面临的环境挑战,如气候变化、污染和栖息地丧失。)

75. To conclude, it is important to remember that ... (最后,重要的是记住...)

例句:To conclude, it is important to remember that success and happiness come not from external achievements or possessions, but from within ourselves, through cultivating positive attitudes, values, and relationships. (最后,重要的是记住,成功与幸福不来自外部的成就或财产,而是来自于我们自己内心的培养积极的态度、价值观和人际关系。)

76. To sum up, ... (总结起来,...)

例句:To sum up, time management is crucial for achieving our goals, reducing stress, and increasing productivity, and can be improved through effective planning, prioritization, and delegation. (总结起来,时间管理对于实现我们的目标、减少压力和提高生产力至关重要,可以通过有效的计划、优先级和委托来改善。)

77. All things considered, ... (综上所述,...)

例句:All things considered, it is clear that technology has both positive and negative impacts on our lives, and we need to use it responsibly and ethically in order to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks. (综上所述,可以明显看出技术对我们的生活有积极和消极的影响,我们需要负责任、具有道德地使用它,以最大化利益和最小化风险。)

78. In conclusion, it is evident that ... (总之,显然...)

例句:In conclusion, it is evident that environmental protection is not just a moral obligation, but also a practical necessity for our survival and well-being on this planet. (总之,显然,环境保护不仅是一种道德义务,而且是我们在这个星球上生存和福祉的实际必要条件。)

79. To summarize, the key point is that ... (总之,关键点是...)

例句:To summarize, the key point is that effective communication requires not only clear and concise language, but also active listening, empathy, and feedback. (总之,关键点是有效的沟通不仅需要清晰简洁的语言,还需要积极的倾听、同理心和反馈。)

80. In light of these considerations, it is clear that ... (考虑到这些因素,可以明显看出...)

例句:In light of these considerations, it is clear that education is the key to unlocking human potential, promoting social mobility, and building a more peaceful and prosperous world for all. (考虑到这些因素,可以明显看出,教育是释放人类潜力、促进社会流动和为所有人建立更和平繁荣的世界的关键。)

81. To conclude, it is important to recognize that ... (最后,重要的是认识到...)

例句:To conclude, it is important to recognize that diversity is not only a moral value, but also a strategic advantage for businesses and societies, as it brings new perspectives, creativity, and innovation. (最后,重要的是认识到,多样化不仅是一种道德价值观,而且是企业和社会的战略优势,因为它带来了新的视角、创造力和创新。)

82. In summary, the evidence suggests that ... (总之,证据表明...)

例句:In summary, the evidence suggests that regular exercise has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mood and cognitive function, and enhancing quality of life. (总之,证据表明,经常锻炼对身体和心理健康都有很多好处,比如降低慢性疾病的风险、改善情绪和认知功能,提高生活质量。)

83. All in all, it can be concluded that ... (总的来说,可以得出结论...)

例句:All in all, it can be concluded that effective communication is essential for success in various areas of life, such as personal relationships, education, and career, and can be improved through practice, feedback, and self-reflection. (总的来说,可以得出结论,有效的沟通对于在生活的各个领域,如个人关系、教育和职业方面的成功至关重要,可以通过实践、反馈和自我反思来改善。)

84. To sum up, the main point is that ... (总结起来,主要观点是...)

例句:To sum up, the main point is that critical thinking skills are essential for making informed decisions, solving complex problems, and adapting to change, and can be developed through practice, reflection, and exposure to diverse perspectives. (总结起来,主要观点是,批判性思维技能对于做出明智的决策、解决复杂的问题和适应变化至关重要,可以通过实践、反思和接触多样化的观点来发展。)

85. In conclusion, it is clear that ... (最后,可以明显看出...)

例句:In conclusion, it is clear that the global challenges we face, such as climate change, poverty, and conflicts, require collective action, innovative solutions, and ethical leadership, and can only be addressed by working together as a global community. (最后,可以明显看出,我们所面临的全球挑战,如气候变化、贫困和冲突,需要集体行动、创新解决方案和道德领导,只有通过作为全球社区的合作才能解决。)

86. To summarize, the key takeaway from this is ... (总结一下,本文的关键点是...)

例句:To summarize, the key takeaway from this is that emotional intelligence is a crucial skill for personal and professional success, and can be developed through self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication. (总结一下,本文的关键点是情商是个人和职业成功的关键技能,可以通过自我意识、同理心和有效沟通来发展。)

87. In brief, the main idea is ... (简而言之,主要观点是...)

例句:In brief, the main idea is that technology has both positive and negative impacts on our lives and society, and it is up to us to use it responsibly and ethically to maximize its benefits and minimize its harms. (简而言之,主要观点是技术对我们的生活和社会有着积极和消极的影响,我们有责任负责任地和道德地使用它,以最大化其好处并最小化其危害。)

88. To conclude, it can be said that ... (总之,可以说...)

例句:To conclude, it can be said that cultural competence is a critical skill for individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of a diverse and interconnected world, and can be developed through education, exposure, and self-reflection. (总之,可以说文化能力是个人和组织在一个多元化和互联的世界中应对复杂性的关键技能,可以通过教育、接触和自我反省来发展。)

89. In summary, the main point is that ... (总之,主要观点是...)

例句:In summary, the main point is that lifelong learning is essential for personal growth, career development, and social progress, and can be facilitated by curiosity, persistence, and a growth mindset. (总之,主要观点是终身学习对于个人成长、职业发展和社会进步至关重要,可以通过好奇心、坚持不懈和成长心态来促进。)

90. To sum up, the evidence suggests that ... (总的来说,证据表明...)

例句:To sum up, the evidence suggests that mindfulness practices have numerous benefits for physical and mental health, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving sleep quality, and enhancing emotional regulation and well-being. (总的来说,证据表明,正念练习对于身体和心理健康有很多好处,比如降低压力和焦虑、改善睡眠质量、增强情绪调节和幸福感。)
